Grid Configuration Options with Essential Grid
Let's start diving into configuration options for individual grids.

Table of Contents
- Customizing a Grid
- How to Edit a Grid’s Configuration
- Grid Options Tabs & Panels
- Starting with the Basics
Customizing a Grid
In the last section of this manual we got started with Essential Grid through three quick, practical demo examples. Through those examples you learned the core process of working with grids, and now you have the necessary foundation on which to layer more in depth knowledge of Essential Grid’s features.
Every grid has it’s own set of in depth configuration options, and in this section of the manual will get you across the basics of those options.
All the information we’re about to go through will assume you already have a grid created and ready to configure, be it a blank grid or one generated from a template.
To learn how to create a grid from a template, follow the guides in our Quick Demo Grid section.
Or to create a blank grid go to the plugin dashboard and click the Create Empty Grid button.

How to Edit a Grid’s Configuration
A grid’s configuration can be edited in any of 3 ways, as seen below.
1) Clicking a grid’s Settings button, which has a gear icon, from the Essential Grid plugin dashboard:

2) Choosing to click Open Imported Grid after creating a grid from a template:

3) Clicking a grid’s edit button on an Essential Grid block in a post/page, which looks like a pencil:

Grid Options Tabs & Panels
Everything we’ll be covering in this section can be found in one of the grid options tabs:

Tabs are organized into panels, labelled on their left sides:

Starting with the Basics
There area lot of options available to you for grid setup, ranging from basic through to advanced configurations.
However we won’t be covering those more advanced options in this section of the manual, instead focusing on those that are most important to get you productive with Essential Grid as quickly as possible.
Let’s begin, starting with a look at how to setup content sources for your grid.