Table of Contents
Important Note
Sorting and Search options are only available for Post-based Grids.
1. Sorting Options
Similar to Category Filters, you can also sort your grid items based on additional information such as date or title.
From the Nav-Filter-Sort tab, add the “Sort” control to one of the available Dropzones.

Next, scroll to the “Sorting” section, and choose how you would like to sort your grid items.


2. Search Form
Add a custom search form for your grids items that will return results based on the post’s title and content. Useful for large grids using Pagination or Load More.
Important Note
Category Filters are required when using the Search control.
From the Nav-Filter-Sort tab, add the “Search” control to one of the available Dropzones.

Next, scroll to the “Search Settings” to adjust the search form’s placeholder text.
