1. Ess. Grid Example Posts (Optional)
Kindly follow the instructions here to enable this special Custom Post Type. This Custom Post Type is reserved for the Imported Demo Content. These posts will have a slug of “essential_grid”, so it’s recommended to use regular posts or another CPT for your grids.
2. Ess. Grid
The plugin’s main menu item where your grids can be created and customized.
3. Punch Fonts
A special menu item used globally for all ThemePunch plugins where you can add/load any Google Font you want into your site.
1. Plugin’s main admin page
This is where you can create and manage your grids, register the plugin for premium support and instant updates, and also view the plugin’s changelog.
2. Edit/Customize the skins included with Essential Grid
Modify things like hover effects, text content, and CSS styles for your grid’s chosen skin.
3. Create Custom Meta Data for your posts
This allows for the ability to define custom content for an individual post that can then be pulled into the grid.
4. Display your site’s search results with an Essential Grid
Connect your theme’s default search box, or create your own search box that can then be added to your site via shortcode.
5. Global Settings for advanced plugin modifications
Put JS to Footer, Advanced Caching, enable WP Gallery conversions and more.
6. Import and Export Essential Grids
Import the demos automatically which can be used as blueprints for creating your own grids, or export previously created grids for usage elsewhere such as a second WordPress website.