Import / Export

Export your Grid's settings, Item Skins and additional data and then Import the data to a second WP installation.

Quick Tip

This article is for importing Grid data that you’ve previously exported. Click here for information about Importing the Demo Grids.

Important Note

Exporting Grids will include all of the grid’s settings, but will not include your actual blog posts. But here’s a great article from our friends over at Elegant Themes that covers how to import posts from one website to another.

From the “Import / Export” page, select the data you wish to export.

Your exported data will be generated as a “.json” file, which can then be saved to your computer.

Quick Tip

Exclude unnecessary data by deselecting items and folders.

Next, from your second WP installation, from the “Import” tab, select the “.json” file you previously exported, and choose “Read File”.

And then choose “Import Selected Data” to officially import the file’s data.

Choose “Append as New” to make sure the imported data doesn’t override any currently existing data.  Or choose “Override Existing” to override any currently existing grids/skins of the same name.

Import / Export

Further Resources for Web Design and Development Enthusiasts

Alright! We've embarked on quite an adventure exploring the realms of this topic. But why stop there? The world of web design and development is vast, and there's always more to learn and discover. Let's dive into some resources that'll keep your knowledge fresh, your skills sharp, and your passion ignited:

The Author

Kezz Bracey

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