Quick Tip:
Already have your GA tracking code installed and your slider links setup? Skip to step #3.
1. Setup your Google Analytics account for your site
If you’re reading this article, chances are you already have Google Analytics (GA) setup for your site. But if not, here are a few good places to start for setting up GA for your WordPress site:
Getting Started with Google Analytics:
Where to find your Tracking Code:
Setting up your Tracking Code:
WordPress Plugin to connect your GA Account to your site:
2. Hyperlink your Grid Items
3. Add the following script to your grid’s API/JavaScript section.
This code does not need to be modified (straight copy and paste)
/* listen for clicks for outbound links, lightbox, and filter buttons */
jQuery('body').on('click', '.esg-grid a, .esg-filterbutton', function() {
var $this = jQuery(this),
data = '';
/* if click is outbound link or lightbox */
if($this.is('a')) {
/* if clicked item is lightbox link */
if($this.hasClass('esgbox')) data += 'Lightbox: ';
data += $this.attr('href');
/* if click is filter button */
else {
data += 'Filter: ' + $this.text();
/* send event data to Google */
__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound', 'click', data, {'transport': 'beacon'});